For consideration by the Editors and the Editorial board, all manuscripts must be written according to the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals, which are posted on We also adhere to the Editorial Policy Statements prepared by the Council of Science Editors (CSE) at http://www.councilscience
Our style and editing guidelines can be obtained from the Editor-in-Chief. In brief, add only 1 space between sentences, number the references sequentially in the text, list all authors, list the references in the same style as PubMed, give numbers in numerate form (2 not two). We generally prefer names of organizations and diseases spelled out, exceptions are WHO and HIV/AIDS. Look at published articles for how the references are listed and how the article is laid out.
The preferred manner of submission is as an attachment on an e-mail, with pictures of figures and tables sent camera-ready as high resolution jpg files. Under special circumstances, manuscripts will be accepted by posted mail or fax.
We accept letters, literature review articles and data articles giving original research, and magazine articles telling stories. Articles should generally have under 3,000 words.
Original data articles need to be in the form Abstract (200 words maximum), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion.
Magazine articles are narratives and have no proscribed structure; accompanying photographs are encouraged. They may be as short as 200 words or as long as 10,000 words, however, they must be focused and tightly written.
We do not pay for any article we publish in MJoTA: we are an outlet for information, not a purchaser. You will retain the copyright for your journal or magazine article when you assign to us rights to publish your article in an issue of Medical Journal of Therapeutics Africa.
We uphold the right to free speech at Medical Journal of Therapeutics Africa.
We will review and publish your manuscript if you give your data
sources, or if you have an opinion that is important for our audience.
We want the dialog to work towards putting the right tools in the right
hands to stop kids dying of preventable diseases in the United States and Africa.
Each journal and magazine article is reviewed by at least 2 members of the editorial board and the Editor-in-Chief, and outside reviewers as the need arises. We adhere to the requirement of the National Library of Medicine for inclusion of journals in their database is that “neither the advertising content nor commercial sponsorship should raise questions about the objectivity of the published material.”
All articles published are required to meet the standards of the National Library of Medicine. Our major criteria for selecting each article are scientific merit, relevance to our target audience quality of writing, and relevance to the focus of the issue.
We invite submission of articles reporting any data or information that will nurture the dialog between pharmaceutical industry professionals in Africa and the United States. These articles will include clinical and preclinical studies, reviews of current clinical and preclinical studies, discussion of devices and medications, case reports.
Submissions of review articles and case reports must be preceded by communication with the Editor-in-Chief. We also invite submission of letters, which should address observations in clinical practice, early results of studies, discussion of applications of basic research to clinical practice or discussion of clinical guidelines.
We will only accept for submission for consideration by the Editorial Board articles sent as attachments to e-mail letters. Please first send an e-mail with a cover letter, then send a second e-mail with the article attached. We will only lay out articles for publication if the manuscript has been prepared in Microsoft Word or equivalent word-processing program.
When we accept the article for review, we will e-mail you a form which you need to sign, stating that you are the senior author of the article under review and that all tables and figures are either original or you have proof that you are permitted to reproduce them. We also need you to give us permission to publish the article in Medical Journal of Therapeutics Africa and permission for your article to be downloaded in context with other articles.
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