Clementine Hall, Thursday, 9 June
Your Excellency,
In welcoming you to the Vatican and accepting the Letters of Credence by which
you are appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic
of Ghana to the Holy See, I wish first of all to express my gratitude to you for
transmitting the courteous greeting of your President, His Excellency John Evans
Atta Mills, and I would ask you kindly to reciprocate and to convey, in turn, my
good wishes to him, as well as my appreciation of the cordial relations existing
between the Holy See and your country.
It is widely acknowledged that Ghana has been able to overcome certain obstacles
in order to make steady economic, social and political progress in recent times.
Certainly, the conduct of regular and peaceful democratic elections does credit
to both the people and the political leaders of your country. The establishment
of ethnic harmony, too, not without the contribution of the local Christian
communities including the Catholic Church, has been an important factor in
creating conditions of peace, stability and greater social progress for all your
citizens. I hope that this process will be crowned by the positive outcome of
the ongoing constitutional consultation, in such a way that the nation�s
legislative and administrative framework will consolidate a culture of
responsible and active participation in the development of the country in
freedom, justice and solidarity.
I have also noted the climate of religious freedom enjoyed in Ghana. A
democratic society that fosters freedom of religion and freedom of worship, and
that appreciates the presence of religious institutions that strive to rise
above political interests and are instead motivated by faith and moral values,
understands that there is much to gain through these freedoms for the positive
growth of all the country�s institutions. Indeed, countries that do so may
derive many benefits from those institutions, by drawing on the wisdom found in
religious traditions, especially when citizens are confronted by questions for
which science and technology provide little or no answer. Indeed, here secular
and religious interests find common ground and are able to grow together by
combining the demands of macroeconomic progress and scientific knowledge with
religion�s perennial wisdom and understanding of man and society. All stand to
benefit from such cooperation in a world that has grown uncertain about moral
choices and is often drawn towards narrow interests and selfishness.
Your Excellency, your land has been blessed with natural resources which are now
bringing prosperity to your people. It is much to be hoped that, through social
solidarity, the proceeds from the correct exploitation of these resources will
contribute to the sustainable economic development of your people. Let this be
achieved, however, while giving due attention to those who are much poorer, or
unable to provide for their families through no fault of their own. In this
sense, may your country give an example in establishing effective instruments of
solidarity (cf. Centesimus Annus, 16), to the true enrichment of all
members of society.
You also mention the work of the Catholic Church in Ghana in the fields
of education, health care and other social services. Motivated by the love of
Christ, and acting on the basis on the human dignity shared by all members of
the human family, the Church wishes to contribute in many ways to the good of
society, especially in the areas you have mentioned. She is a willing partner
with civil authorities wherever she is able to fulfil her mission untrammelled,
in the light of Gospel values.
Finally, Your Excellency, I wish you every success in your mission as Ambassador
of the Republic of Ghana to the Holy See and I assure you of the willing
cooperation of the departments of the Roman Curia. May Almighty God bestow upon
the people of Ghana abundant and lasting blessings of harmony, prosperity and
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