I have uploaded minutes from this evening's Foundation meeting to the right. Due to a technical difficulty, we are not yet using the agenda and minutes templates.
As discussed in email and during this evening's Foundation meeting, the documentation necessary to organize as a 501(c)(3) is posted here. I will move other MJoTA Foundation documents previously posted under other the 'MJoTA Annual Meeting' section to this section of the website shortly.
I have uploaded the notes I took from the online meeting this evening. Please feel free to fill in anything I might have missed. I can publish a final version once I have received edits.
MJoTA has been published since 2006 by Emerald Pademelon Press LLC. PO Box 381 Haddonfield, NJ 08033, USA. MJoTA.org, MedicalWritingInstitute.org and drsusanna.org host MJoTA, and the Medical Writing Institute, which is a New Jersey nonprofit corporation. Inquiries for the Medical Writing Institute or Emerald Pademelon Press LLC: publisher@mjota.org. Contact the publisher directly through email, Twitter, Linkedin