Physical abuse. MJoTA 2012 v5n2 p0723
For 6 years, I have avoided publishing any articles on physical abuse because the reporting can be salacious.
However, physical abuse is a health issue, a real health issue for a lot of humans. Physical abuse includes slapping another adult, hitting a child with a strap, using a child for sexual relief, assaulting a woman to humiliate, unnecessary surgery by trained or untrained health professionals. Physical abuse by its nature is a fight of the stronger against the weaker, and hence men against women; young adults against old adults; adults against children. Or young children and women with guns and weapons against men, children, women.
"Chasing a Golden Balloon. God Bless the Child", essay on harming children and Pennsylvania State University culpability click here.
The independent counsel report of the Pennsylvania State University coach physical abuse of children, the Freeh report of July 2012 click here