Workshop 7:
Ethics in advertising, link to and read through the site and watch the videos. This site is owned by Dr Adriane Fugh-Berman. Dr Fugh-Berman is furious with the was the drug companies have taken over medicine (her doctorate is in medicine and she is a licensed physician). She would like to do away with drug company advertising completely. Read paper on publication planning here
Plagiarism, ghostwriting: whatever you call it, the act of sticking your name on an article, document that you did not write. Click for article from the Wall Street Journal here, and from the EMWA Journal here.
The ICMJE, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, was formed in 1979 as the Vancouver Group. Their goal was to bring system into medical journals. Largely, it has worked. ICMJE guidelines are about style and formatting, but they are also about authorship and ethics. Downlad ICMJE Guidelines here.
Clinical requirements. These requirements are considered under the ethics topic in MiMW2. The FDA required all clinical trials to be run in agreement with the Declaration of Helsinki from 1946 until 2008. Now, the FDA requires that clinical trials follow Good Clinical Practices, which was prepared by ICH in 1996, and is Guidance E6.
Assignment 7:
1. Literature search on your choice of drug for a disease. Do it first in pubmed. Do the same search in Google (a lot of journals are not indexed in pubmed). Do you see one or 2 names over and over? Do a comprehensive search on that person and find out how many manuscripts that person had published in the calendar year you are searching. This person is what the pharmaceutical industry calls a "thought leader" but I would call a plagiarist. If you want to write mss for the pharmaceutical industry, you have to make peace with yourself, and draw your own lines in the sand. Perhaps if you are acknowledged as an editor at the end, and you are paid plenty, you are happy. Perhaps you require co-authorship. You decide. Medical writers are far more powerful than anyone imagines.